Cleverly Other Perspectives

Whispering Activism


20231228, Thu
In adulthood especially, a human being needs a balanced nutrition. Typically, one eats meat regularly. For a long time, I had been depending on meat, otherwise the mood wouldn’t come the whole day. By the recommendation of my father, I started to consume vitamins and I am now not depending on meat food anymore. Vitamin B12 is probably the ultimate addition to the medication that I have to take. Beef is consumed only once in a week by me at the moment, but when I then had a meal with it at midday, I obviously realize in the early evening that I am quite hungry, which doesn’t occur without meat otherwise. That’s why I know that meat makes hungry, and rich people then eat smaller snacks in between the big meals, which results in getting too thick as a consequence. Vitamins should be healthy.

20231110, Fri
Does one take some medication for years, one gets bad in one’s ability to balance the body, and weak in one’s condition. For people like me, it’s maybe quite difficult to keep a firm stand after one raises from sleep. But by a new discovery that brings me a mood for a couple of minutes, I will get stronger in my condition again. It’s stretching the neck, for only a few seconds, sitting on a chair, with bent hands diagonally up, so that the head bows back a bit. The effect resulting from it is so strong that this could be used, generally, instead of an illegal drug high. Well, I actually only know that it works in my case, in combination with some antipsychoticum.

20231104, Sat
Drugs influence the senses directly. Energy in music is important, not only for musicians with a mental handicap. If you make music under drugs, your perception won’t get musical energy as it is without drugs. Look at painkiller! If I would feel no pain, I wouldn’t know if the energy of a certain instrumental technique is right for producing a mood. So, one can be quite wrong with energy, which results in smoking in the weakest sense. One needs coffee if the energy is unsuitable. The question is how can one find out if the energy is right or not when one does not have mood problems, and I don’t think that drugs give you a higher perception for recognizing wrong energy. Alcohol closes the senses. They do drugs with alcohol! There is much to do in the music world, and I wonder why the people just look at it without reason.

20231020, Fri
They don’t like YAMAHA, and they don’t like SONY. They do not like quality or responsibility. They think it can be easy. They think in money. They show you that with a false laughter, and believe that it is done by it. They don’t care about people who do not belong to their societies. They intend to monitor everything, and we should even pay for that our own. They are envious. They don’t really like to work. In the end, they forget about themselves.

20231003, Tue
For a medical reason, I combined food with the air of coffee beans. Otherwise, I had not been able to make music, and regular food starts hurting afterwards. There are so many musicians who take drugs, drink alcohol, or smoke. Why don’t they instead simply eat a bit of food while making music to get a natural food high? As they argue coming from a tour: They liked to be among the people, eating and talking with them. In my opinion, one needs to just bring the stone in a roll and everybody would see how cool it can be.

20230806, Sun
Complaining is not enough! Make the first step, and complain with solutions. Only complaining makes the people angry, where it is already difficult to move them. There is so much to complain about, I think. Typically, activists make nonsense sooner or later. They go to far in the end. One can compare that to punks who start liking “the against” itself. Quarrelling does not come to a result if both sides won’t contribute something productive and speak with each other. War won’t stop if the sides do not see their own flaws.

20230723, Sun
The drugs are typically the same, but the societies taking them are not. Some people believe that aggression resulting from a drug-high shows that the drug is powerful. To my mind, drugs are actually bad for the mood, causing the aggression. The drug as an intruder to the body has to be processed, and it sooner or later, especially when the substance has become too weak, results in being angry and aggressive. One longs for more to kill the low. And it is then difficult to come out of this circle. Many people have not enough to do. So, they get ideas and make nonsense.

20230707, Fri
One can learn it with a balcony. Especially when you are living alone, things accidentally happen, here and there, that are sometimes also dangerous. While cooking much can happen, for example. So, if you make a difference, where you treat a going outside on the balcony as if you would leave your dwelling, one trains a real leaving the dwelling and builds a good consciousness of household situations that can otherwise lead easier to an accident.

20230601, Thu
Drugs eat down your nerves! The first experiences are powerful, where you exactly know that it is the thing right in your life. But after regular consumption, the effect has gone. That could be the beginning of harder substances. One says that one shouldn’t even start smoking. Today’s market offers far too much, I think. In a way, it is all the same – ineffective after some time. Don’t let the devil guide your life!

20230510, Wed
If you are drunken, you don’t listen anymore. It counts for musicians and listeners alike. Musicians and producers are responsible. Some people would argue that they like melancholic music, but I am afraid that this is not true for them. One likes sunny weather because one feels better with it. Other things fall under illusions. Don’t make people drunken because of bad music! A drunken audience is no compliment, you know.

20230504, Thu
The more you don’t know and the more you accustom yourself to that, the better you feel in this hectic world. One cannot know everything. People specialize in their profession, and one has to rely on them. Does a civilian have the means to avert a criminal from an attack? Usually not. It would make me crazy, personally, if I would have to do all the things by myself. Also, no individual has the time to do that.

20230502, Tue
The computer world already defined more than two decades ago that your device is personal. Identifying global lies in music, it makes me only wonder how it has come that far. Lies let you run away from reality. A listener would like to get the person, not a mask. I am afraid that lies create depression, or such. Lies make you take drugs, and then one does not feel good anymore. Be yourself and try to embrace your fears!


Whispering Activism from the Past

If you are making music intoxicated with alcohol, it also sounds like it.

Eating an apple or a banana is much more worth than typical chocolate.

It’s difficult against the right in a transparent world. Luck fails as well.

Fighting should only be allowed for defending oneself. But be careful!

Targets are good, but reason is better. See your boundaries beforehand!

There is a lot that could be said, but it is rather wiser to write about it.

Sugar could be the biggest and gravest misapprehension of the century.

Take light food with you to university as student to save a lot of money!

Precision in a language can be used to make oneself better understood.

One should wear garment because one likes it, not because of the brand.

Clean drinking water is so precious but many people don’t see its value.

Not everything can count as mistake. Don’t make us thoroughly crazy!

Taking vitamins is not “stupid.” It’s a reliable advantage for your health.

Could one read the people’s thoughts, one would be fully disappointed!

The people chose a warmer planet but they don’t like to have that either.

Doctors have to work together and do not exert unhelpful competition.

To argue against homosexuals is okay but reason should mainly make it.

Don’t have sex just because one is having sex! Give yourself a reason!

The world offers enormously many different things! Understand them.

Parsimony can be learned and develops into a meticulous discipline.

Because of a more aggressive sun, the midday vitamin D is dangerous.

View the parcels that you receive as presents and get another attitude.

Academic language is only arrogant in the way you make it arrogant!

It’s really sad to see that cheap products are often the most poisonous.

Climate Change isn’t vocabulary. Seriousness and collaboration please!

It is by far not enough to complain. One has to think climate solutions!

Black keys or white keys – all the same. The colourful chromatic tunes!

Mother Earth is borrowed. One actually tries to not damage the planet.

If you desperately will go on arsing your enemies, the wars won’t stop!

Do not let anger be stronger! Fairness and respect are always required.

They say violence creates violence. It can be indifference that helps out.

A lady can only be hot when she is yours! Don’t you see the social rule?

If people wouldn’t expensively focus on interest, much could be solved.

Smoking for the first time lets you wonder if the smoke is healthy also!

The music is good? Oh, do not take drugs! Instruments depict the cure.

A functioning world is expensive. One can’t always make much money.

Our climate can be viewed as a foundation for life. Have attention for it!

You know, fairness is a sort of foundation for peace. One can’t escape it!

Wars are bad for the climate! Don’t rely on destruction! Do conversation.

Look to the poor! They have several good techniques to be economical.

I find it insulting that some musicians are offering themselves on drugs.

It is not about how others find your life but how meaningful it is to you.

People usually don’t know that making music is easy. One can just play!

Making mistakes is okay. One isn’t perfect! Let’s have a different stance.

Dopamine is not necessary in music. Coffee makes all the way actually!

No affirmation of homosexuals is ever necessary, but don’t despise them!

The ultimate climate contribution is to adapt one’s usual way of living.

So many people are working behind your food. It really can have a price.

Making music without alcohol and drugs keeps you reasonable simply.

In real, everybody has to stop with hate and weapons, not just the others!

Don’t offer yourself when you do not agree with the plain circumstances!

You yourself in the mirror? That’s a living picture for inspiration and joy.

Regularly, one has to open the sluices and let life stream into the dreams.

Pure water is the oil for the brain. Stay away from soft drinks or alcohol!

To keep a normal figure, one has to train oneself in being lightly hungry.

If you eat not because of deliciousness but ‘hunger’, you could slim down.

Some people, like me, give with words, and they won’t stop in no manner.

Torture makes you a target in the end! We are clearly living in other times.

Lying causes stress and feels uncomfortable. Some need it the hard way!

In theory, weapons replaced as food would neutralize starving and poverty.

For some people, their women are their might. Do not destroy yourself!

People would be healthier if cheap food products would not exist anymore.

Usually, a man has a woman. Don’t they want their lady to be respected?

It makes a difference to get the feeling from music or from the audience!

Strength has to come from the body, not from drugs. Much can be done.

Moving spiritedly in all directions is life itself. Do not always do the same!

What about this? Buy yourself qualitative vitamins, instead of cigarettes.

Life is too fast. Make it slower! You just see and experience more of it so.

If you cannot have nature in the city, replace it by something you create!

Individual beauty is an advantage, but not typically a sign for intelligence.

To use a brand, one has to show a respectful behaviour towards the product.

An inefficient washing machine is no reason to take much washing powder!

Divided classes cause tensions, and tensions then cause war among them.

Even schizophrenic realities have their logic. They are built on principles.

Sometimes, people look strange. And it can happen also to your children.

News are generally not well thought through. They are too early in fact!

A chord is the lingerie of the soul and its melody constitutes the figure.

Intelligent people can explain complex matters even to unclever subjects.

You don’t have to be an activist to do the things right. Just be responsible!

Seriously, what would you like to have? Luxury or a healthy environment?

Listen to the noises of your toilet, and you’ll get a better sense for water.

There is much to do! The world is out of balance. Everyone can help.

What about evidence instead of arguments in politics? Clearly be definite!

Would officers have instrumental breaks, they would not be aggressive.

One cannot trust ladies totally, but they do not mean it, as it usually is.

Between staying awake longer and standing up earlier is a big difference.

Don’t take too seriously ordinary people who always drink much coffee.

To care for the environment is like doing one’s homework. It’s essential!

Often, simple things make a great deal, but they are forgotten somehow.

If they destroy the rainforest, one needs a similar replacement somewhere.

Saving money usually always makes sense. Fortunately, one can learn it!

Be aware of fundamental things in our modern life. Everything has value!

Honesty and sincerity should be rewarded, and liars should be ignored.

Patience is a crucial quality that also many animals use to be successful.

'Fake news' make the internet by far slower and weaker in my opinion.

Poor people are no criminals only because they like to have your phone!

Medicine should be easy, otherwise there would happen too much damage.

Usually, torture is absolutely unfair, and comes back in some form later.

One needs to seriously ‘prepare’ people for environmental necessities!

Organic food is in a sort of development. Some things shouldn’t be done.

Typically, one does not need much self-confidence to insult somebody.

Don’t let your life be depending on a substance or drug, including coffee!

Fairness is one of the big qualities of life. Be fair, and enjoy friendship!

Violence only works sustainably when it is justified. It is but secondary!

If you say precision is not enough, you do not know what precision is.

Men do not know what the weapon woman is in fact. Women know that.

Regularly learn English vocabulary and you aren’t xenophobic anymore!

It’s far more difficult to not look. Women deserve to be talked in the face.

Fighting for your rights? Well, the rights should fight for you actually!

To me, music is not how quick one can play, but how precise it can be.

In medicine, as a physician, one has to respect the patients as a principle.

Never provoke terrorism. One cannot control it. Rather don’t interfere.

Do not show your middle finger in activism! You need good arguments.

Fair respect in each other is inevitable in a world of divergent societies.

One does not measure faculty on a young age, but on conscientiousness.

Only a paragraph clarifies an issue, and a whole book would thematize it.

Mechanical music is bad for the energy and causes one to drink alcohol.

Music should be taken musically, not on its inexactitude. Focus on tunes!

‘Fake news’ lead to a general disinterest of the readers. One likes the facts!

Life is exciting, but no exciting movie. Make the unavoidable difference!

Don’t be happy about the enemy’s troubles! It could easily happen to you.

Your argument is a valuable contribution to society. Your voice is heard!

In life, one has to see one’s opportunity and always value that it is some.

You don’t need an exceptional idea for an opinion, you can take it as it is!

Probably, disco music is too primitive, and people take drugs as a result.

If there are threats to democracy, then democracy isn’t so perfect in reality!

A refugee is likely to contributes his heart with spirit to a foreign country.

Criminality could fall substantially when one does not waste food anymore!

An academic degree is a sign of knowledge, not directly a sign for respect.

If you are an obesity case, try to eat because of the healthiness food brings!

In my opinion, fairness is the secret for peace. And one needs to practise it.

Feeling plays a critical role in a world with terrorism. Now, respect the threat!

Devotion and passion has nothing to do with business. Business is secondary.

A woman is no device that you can turn on or off. They all have feelings!

Back to nature. That’s the inevitable course that is happening. Step in timely!

Also if honesty is painful to you or somebody else, it is sensible in the end.

Nature is stronger. It’s more reasonable, healthier, and more life for the mood.

Everything is way more difficult if we strongly loose the belief in the things.

If you like to smoke, you like to cough. Coughing, but, indicates unhealthiness.

Without hesitation, I wish that people in Africa get the chance to play piano.

The frame of the past is usually bigger than the truth of the future. Be careful!

Use your knowledge to make a better world! We all have a lot to do in fact.

When a cup of coffee does not make you strong, there is something wrong.

It is not easy if you are in the wrong. The world has become transparent.

They say we are too many people, but there are just too many wrong attitudes.

Alcohol and money are not immediately connected but are a reason for war.

Not necessarily, it’s your fault when people don’t like you or are no friends.

If the frame of misinformation is bigger than reason, you make mistakes.

Being heavily drunken closes the ears, but, in music, one needs to listen.

Money is necessary, but it should not be might, because money is unfair.

Meat has a spirit. If the animals were having stress, you get confused by it.

Jazz music is like the ocean where the fishes, the melodies, are free to swim.

Rain in Austria’s cities wasn’t usual at Christmas thirty years ago. A fact!

Do not take LSD, and such! Life is exciting enough. Just open your eyes.

Possessions are most beautiful when you cherish them. It can be anything!

Would you like to be black? Imagine to be black! No, not your preference?

Only drunkards try it with violence because they have no intellectual means.

If you don’t ‘listen’ to music, it cannot happen. Let it in, and let it be!

Things are only devilish when you seriously have the devil in your attitude.

Psychology is like mathematics for artists. The people have no idea of it.

Torture is like a dove without wings to fly. Now, how ugly is that to you?

Wall Street has become too fast. Make it slower, and be much wiser!

Try it with natural selection in politics! I think, the system would be fairer.

War goes against rationality. Let’s be reasonable, and learn to accept!

We all fight for the same planet, our planet. So, why be against each other?

You don’t have to like some music, but you should essentially respect it!

The planet must be very old when there is so much stone. Unimaginable!

If you know that you haven’t done wrong anything, it is probably money.

In life, one cannot have everything. But one’s possessions can be beautiful.

As long as alcohol and cigarettes are a big business, there will be drugs.

If you are unfair, the right won’t be effective. It should not be you yourself!

It’s never too early to be a sex bomb? Oh, people, this is dangerous!

Terrorism is an argument. They don’t do that without a foundation.

Hunger? You do not know what it is. Don’t have dinner for a single time!

Doctors shall not take advantage of their position. Patients have no choice.

Serious behaviour makes us an adult. We don’t go back to childhood.

Hate has fundamental consequences. By hate arises piercing dispute.

Instrumental techniques can be and have to be practised. It takes time!

In a relationship, the female side functions as a kind of doctor for both.

Torture is unfair! It makes you loose your satisfaction in the end.

The ladies’ weaker sex shall not be exploited! Some people don’t like that.

Don’t you like to be a good person? You can be happy and contented.

If there is no programme of integrating criminals, the system would break.

Peace is an intellectual thing. Let’s come together, and respect each other!

Some see religion as the reason for war, but it must be something else.

Treat human beings as you treat bees, and for sure much would be easier!

Don’t give up as long as you know that you are right in your actions.

Weapons could be melted that there’s no need to eat with fingers anymore.

Music is about the moment and about stories, not about being the best.

Do you believe that you solve general problems on earth by studying space?

One shouldn’t make business with one’s faults. Rather learn from them.

Regular smokers do rather small talk than go into a deep conversation.

Art is not everybody’s preference. Also artists need to respect that!

The human body cannot be tricked out. Drugs are a lie. Listen inside!

Climate Change is a result of incompetent people. Is it money?

In a world full of powerful technologies, killing people is not necessary.

The future has to stay closed, otherwise it would have happened already.

It’s strange to know about the food business when so many are starving!

A world focusing on togetherness would be easier simply, I suppose.

If you ignore poverty, you do not respect human beings in general.

Cities full of pedestrians with smart phones do not allow reckless driving.

Painting a picture instead of smoking a cigarette? Time is valuable!

Being unjust? It goes definitively against rationality in this world.

Having an opinion is good for the mood. Let there always be an issue!

Being a police officer is a job, no business. It has to do with honour.

Why is environmentalism a must and not a choice? It has come too far!

Lies do not come far in a transparent world. Being honest is attractive!

A healthy individual does not need Viagra. It is doing the body!

Free access to online universities could be a valuable donation to poor people.

No one is protesting in favour of pollution. It should be clear why.

The world gets divided by environmental issues. But one side is right!

Alcohol is always a bad class. So, you don’t like that actually.

Alcoholism does not go away, because it’s good business.

Life has become personal. Dare to make your own music!

The future has a concrete reason, and it is usually hidden.

Dishonest and unfair people do not reach my heart!

Morse code me a colourful melody! We live in a modern age.

Drinking makes you angry. It does not work for long.

Ladies are weaker and need therefore protection.

Big brands have been evolving out of a clear quality reason.

Smoking is a habit, and it makes you addicted physically!

Deliberately, I stay at home, because it is safer than out there!

Men who don’t respect women were bad in school.

Let work your washing machine, not your washing powder!

Why explore the universe when we have thousands of problems?

Avarice has to go, and then, gradually, Climate Change goes.

A person’s or a country’s disadvantage has to be respected!

Friendliness makes the aura of an individual pleasant to feel.

Alcoholism is for people who have nothing good to do.

A well-developed product has a better price!

You need less washing powder in a good washing machine.

Criminals have one big problem: They face the right.

Will the people of planet earth be heating with electricity?

Human rights are nothing when money comes between.

Modern paper should not be chemical!

A package of plastic should not waste its space.

If you take advantage of your beauty, you are a criminal.

One does not always need an advantage in life!

To a great degree, I love trees, especially when it rained.

Climate Change is the world’s homework, one can say.

Drinking water is one of the secrets to some balanced health.

Some things have no price. For example, love.

The world gets punished if you don’t listen to climate change.

Ivory isn’t that clean anymore, as it was centuries ago.

Food lacking quality will loose its demand gradually.

Criticism should be a way to find a solution or some consensus.

An author of a book has to have an opinion.

Food is no big business! Food is essential for living.

Air pollution decreases the quality of life!

One can’t rely on the future, but one can rely on the present.

If you show honesty, you show might also.

Organic food is healthy, and should not be too expensive therefore.

You are sane if you think that the world is in trouble!

Your life will be more expensive if you do not care for the environment.

A woman is as much a human being as a man.

Enough sleep is very important for children ‘and’ adults.

Lying makes the brain much smaller!

People start to take drugs if they have nothing to do!

The strength of nature becomes more and more important.

In making the A level, you get an opinion.

Torture is a crime. Torture is outdated!

Cheap plastic is costly. Everything has its price.

If some soap attacks the skin, it harms the environment.

Climate Change is the most expensive world investment in centuries.

One’s possession should be used also.

Drugs make you blind. Drugs are dangerous!

Naturally, women are more responsible than men.

Love? People show their skin rather than their heart!

Sometimes, the human being has nothing to say.

I like established brands since they need to be responsible.

A healthy forest economy replaces an old tree by two new trees.

In a transparent world, things won’t work without fairness!

Paper does not need to be extra-white to fulfil its purpose.

If you beat a woman or a child, I cannot like you.

Sometimes, politics is a bad theatre!

Quality has its price, and that’s effective!

Every city is stinking actually!

If I would be a fish, I would like to be free.

Hot sun attacks the skin more than ever!

We pollute our own living place, the earth!

Human creativity should be supported.

Do not force the future to happen!

Life is not about money!

For some people, alcohol is a waste of time.

Women need much conversation and water.

Real friends are seldom.


Attention, Warning

Maybe, these views are insulting for some people.
The themes are likely to be schizophrenically wrong.
Don’t exaggerate yourself into counterarguments!
Think with common sense if you are influenced here!
Actually, these sentences give my opinion mainly.


Copyright (C) 2024 JazzAura
Paranoid Schizophrenia, brain disorder
Thomas Neubauer